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Malus domestica 'Chivers Delight'

Malus domestica 'Chivers Delight'
Collect Only
Malus domestica 'Chivers Delight'
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Introducing Malus domestica 'Chivers Delight', a delightful and versatile apple cultivar prized for its exceptional flavour and abundant fruit production. This charming apple tree produces medium-sized, round fruit with a crisp texture and a sweet-tart flavour profile that is sure to delight the taste buds. 'Chivers Delight' is a vigorous and disease-resistant variety, making it an excellent choice for home orchards and garden landscapes. With its attractive blossom display in spring and bountiful harvest in autumn, Malus domestica 'Chivers Delight' adds beauty and bounty to any garden or landscape, providing a delicious and rewarding fruiting experience for growers of all skill levels.

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